Friday, January 4, 2013


I read somewhere on the Internet that you need as many as 50 pages to be relevant on the Internet or for search engines to take you seriously.  I read somewhere else, again in the Internet, that 10 to 25 pages of content would get you started. has a tool on the dashboard.

You make a new page much like you make a new post, with Title and content, followed by Publishing it. 
It looks like a post with comments section, which can be turned off.
You can choose how to get to the paged with the drop down pictured above.
Make Page for videos or articles longer that you want to put into a post.  Link to them from particular post that are pertinent and they have more of a chance to get noticed.
As far as I can see the format will be the same as the original blog.

10 page limit. But I read 20 here:

Think about your page name and it's effect SEO

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